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What Is A Dental Implant?

For many people, needing a dental service of any kind can be stressful and riddled with anxiety. This is especially true for those individuals who are about to, have recently, or lost a tooth long ago and need some assistance now. A dental implant is an artificial placeholder for a missing tooth that serves as a strong cornerstone and base for a prosthetic. The implant also stimulates bone growth in your jaw which is an important measure for prevention of bone loss as well as protects your other teeth from shifting around. It can also help prevent defective speech which sometimes follows the loss of a tooth. 

How Do Dental Implants Work?

Before making a decision about whether or not a dental implant is the right choice, it can help to understand how the implants work to fix and prevent problems from developing. An implant consists of a crown, an abutment (a supportive structure), and the implant body. This device functions like a new tooth, providing important support and form within the jaw. Dental implants also look a lot like the natural tooth, even going as far as to match the color of the other teeth. 

Do I Need To Replace My Missing Tooth?

Many people who lose an adult tooth often ask if they even need to replace the missing tooth and why. Replacing a missing tooth is not only a cosmetic or aesthetic choice. However, there is more to consider beyond the look when contemplating replacing your missing tooth. Regardless of how it happened, a missing tooth can lead to some negative consequences. The bone in that spot will be reabsorbed into the jaw which will lead to bone loss and gum shrinkage. The other teeth in that row will shift into the empty place left behind, weakening the other teeth and increasing the risk for tooth decay and other structural problems. These other problems can be painful, timely, and costly to fix. 

How Long Does A Dental Implant Take To Complete?

A dental implant is a multi-stepped process that can have a large range in how long the entire process will take between the process and planning stage till the end of aftercare stages to ensure the implant is safely in place. Dental implants are not a quick fix, but they are the most effective long term solution for replacing a broken or lost tooth. 

Am I A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant?

Getting a dental implant is not a decision that should be made without some considerations. There are some important conditions that should be mentioned and discussed with your dentist before the decision is made. For best results, patients should be in good oral health and committed to abstain from smoking if they are going to get a dental implant. A patient may also not be a great candidate for the implant if their jaw is not fully developed, which typically happens between the ages of 18 to 25. The implants are not a quick fix, between the first and final consultations can span across several months. 

Dental Implants in Phoenix, AZ

Dealing with a damaged or missing tooth does not have to be difficult. The team at North Valley Dentistry has been serving the north Phoenix area for over 30 years helping with all their dental needs. Dental implants are arguably the best functional method to replace a tooth in order to prevent future negative consequences and increase jaw strength and structure. Our experienced dental team would be happy to discuss any possibility or questions you may have in regards to your dental implants.    

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